Homework Choice Board- Time for Tic-Tac-Toe that includes a wide variety of topics and actions!

            In this choice board, I decided to require the usage of the middle square, which says to "write down one nice thing that you did for someone else today-come ready to share in class tomorrow!" This was something that we always shared at the dinner table growing up, and it's something that I would want to practice with my students as well. I think that it's always important to do at least one good deed a day for someone else, without being asked or expecting of something in return. Whether it's as simple as holding the door for someone or complimenting them on their work, I believe that these simple "good deeds" can make someone's day, and help to make the world a little bit better, no matter how small the deed. 

Also, I tried to include a variety  of different subjects and activities in order to cater to the interests of my students. For instance, I include drawing, writing, movement, as well as the subjects of history, writing, mathematics, and more. This way, students can practice self-autonomy by choosing which one they wish to complete, and thus, their direction of the Tic-Tac-Toe "win."

Finally, I made sure to use the term of "your grown-ups" rather than parents to remain inclusive and acknowledge that not everyone is cared for by their parents. While it may appear to be a minuscule aspect in vernacular, I find this term to be more encompassing of the different home life situations that students may have, and thus, help students to feel more comfortable and included with the class. This is a practice that I hope to use as a future teacher as well. 
