Curricular Connections: Grade 6 Outer Space

This assignment was to use curriculum objectives to create a video assignment for students. After some research, I decided to use Grade 6 Science and Language Arts objectives to create a project about outer space. By allowing students to choose their own groups and choose between two topics to cover in their videos, they are able to practice self-autonomy in this project. In addition, by having the audience of the videos be future Grade 6 students, students are able to act as "mini-experts" in the subject, which also helps students to build upon their self-efficacy. Finally, other than having the requirement of having all group members speaking at some point in the video, the jobs/tasks for the video are left up to the students themselves. This way, students are able to choose their jobs within their group themselves, allowing for another opportunity for self-autonomy. By having the students include a list at the end of the video of what each student did in the creation of the video, students are also held accountable for their involvement in the group project, something that can sometimes be difficult to monitor in group assignments.
